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What Does God Say About Living In A Sexless Marriage? | Kingdom Blueprint

#bibleonsexlessmarriage #howtofixsexlessmarriage #sexlessintimacy #sexlessmarriage Jan 29, 2023
How to fix sexless marriage

 How do we live sexless lives and do marriages without sex exist? God spoke about sexuality less marriage as a matter of fact in the book. A sexless marriage is an association with one person for whom marriage is unplanned.

This is not news since research conducted in 2009 showed that around 15% of couples in America have not had sex for months. Several problems are being caused which have made some young people think marriage should not be a burden.

What Does God Say About Living In A Sexless Marriage? | Kingdom Blueprint

What Causes Sex to Evaporate from Marriages?

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Sexual intimacy is not what it is supposed to be because people stop thinking about it and instead they are thinking about how to get out of sexless marriage.

There is so much sexual immorality in the world today that a sex life or physical intimacy is filled with sexual desires that were not how God intended sexual intimacy or sexual desire to be.


God bless the sex life in married couples that are integrated and no the sex life that is separated. Sexual union with your own husband or own wife evaporates when a wife's sexual temptation or her partner will no longer enjoy sex for emotional reasons, it is rarely just physical.

5 ways to start fixing your sexless relationship today

Embrace life like a young woman that loves only one person.

Treat sexual intercourse with your wife like a process full of self-control.

Acting like a deprived spouse from the lack of sex or a no-sex marriage will have you treated that way. Do not change your behavior because of a lack of sex.

God cares about your love life and as a couple, it is a way to praise the Lord Jesus and the holy spirit through sexual intercourse so does not try to fix the lack of sex in your marriage with any form of sin.

Date each other

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Sexual relations in many marriages can be a challenge, to tell the truth, the physical level of desire is hard to maintain.

Once a couple is settled together in an environment where everyone has an exciting day they become lazy. Passion fades away. Think about all the little things a couple did before their marriage.

Usually, you sent them a small package and told them what you thought of them. Plan a day of dates and excursions. You don't know how many times you have planned an important date. The lack of sex with your one flesh partner that you used to talk to has made your relationship stale.


One flesh with one partner as husband and wife order God at one time was all you could talk about. To renew God's command as husband and wife people need to date to continue to learn from each other. Your partner needs to know you are excited about being their husband or wife.

Your relationship has not been renewed. Show that you are their most passionate fan and you will do everything to get your husband or wife back. Enjoy being married to your spouse again.

How Do We Talk about Our Sexless Marriage with Our Spouse without thoughts of divorce?

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Yes - faithfulness must be a part of marriage. No sexless marriage can't be justified. It can be attributed as an internal problem with a bigger problem and can easily be solved with your efforts.

If sex has been an issue for the past year without children being born, the way we talk about sex can be first through religious beliefs (Begin with what honors God when you are married).

Second, we use bible verses about the responsibilities of a spouse (begin to introduce the topic of what they need as your partner in life).

Most couples know that their body is one with their spouse and God wants to reinforce this idea when we are married.

Begin to see a Christian counselor that will partner with God and have the idea of a Christ-led family. You need them to not believe in the divorce of your spouse.

Begin your conversation with your spouse as a woman that loves Christ and a woman that wants children.

Your wife does not want to sin and your husband does not want to sin, they want to be married. God gives most men the blessing of a wife to help them through life. A wife will be given her true love to point her in the direction away from fear.

You don't want any of the temptations you get in this situation anymore.

How long do sexless marriages happen to last?

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It can be difficult to get married without sex – although the benefits come at a price. When two partners are uninterested and want sexual contact, the lack of intimacy can cause feelings of frustration or infidelity.

The answer is most marriages need sex and to recognize that it honors Christ to have sex in marriage. To answer the question about 50% end in divorce if they do not reestablish sex in their marriage institution.

There is no concrete percentage of marriages that end in divorce without sex, it is always an estimate. The best guess is that a marriage without sex for over a sex without medical reasons has a 30% chance of surviving without divorce.


How do you rebuild intimacy in a sexless marriage?

Be honest in presenting your views. ... Do not point the finger. ... Join us for a workout. ... Do not start with gender. . Identify the causes and treatments. "" = = Think couples therapy. ... Pray body appreciation.

What does the Bible say about the lack of sexual intimacy in marriage?

He must fulfill the marital obligation to his wife, likewise the husbands to their wives." "Never deprive anyone of one another without mutual consent to devote himself to prayer and then join again to avoid the temptation from Satan."

A husband needs to be honest with his wife and vice, versa. The truth is we happen to stumble on a loving spouse, working on intimacy is important.

Christian couples struggling with a sexless marriage have hope as the Bible offers several verses on how to increase sexual intimacy, not only in marriage but also how to foster a deep connection between husband and wife. Ephesians 5:31 says, “For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh”. Couples can put this into practice by spending quality time together without other distractions - listening to each other, talking about hopes and dreams for their future, participating in date nights together, or even planning vacations. With frequent communication and an openness to how God will work for them as a couple, building up the sexual aspect of their marriage can result in stronger feelings of commitment towards one another. Additionally, learning how to express unconditional love through embracing forgiveness and understanding can allow husbands and wives to take the steps necessary for finding ways how to fix sexless marriages so it does not end in divorce.

Sexless married life can be a difficult challenge for couples to overcome. Fortunately, there are ways how to fix it and keep the marriage alive. Though tackling this issue requires effort from both parts of the couple and can be hard to face at times, with open communication and understanding, it is possible to find a solution that works for them. In particular, Christian couples can look to Bible verses on sexual intimacy for guidance in how to approach their marriage’s difficulties. The Bible provides encouraging passages such as “You wives must accept your husband’s authority” (1 Peter 3:1) and “May she bring much joy to your hearts; may you experience the greatest of her love” (Proverbs 5:19) that remind couples how respecting each other is central to a healthy relationship even when sex isn’t currently an option. Unless there are dramatic circumstances preventing sex from happening such as medical issues or abuse, following the path that is recommended by these Bible verses can lead you to repair your sexless marriage and preserve it from breaking up due to divorce.

It is possible to repair a sexless marriage or one lacking in passion and intimacy. Start by praying and meditating on bible verses relating to marriage such as 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 and Proverbs 5:18-19. Open the lines of communication now between you and your partner and discuss how to improve yourselves, and your marriages, how to fill each other's emotional needs, how to better navigate challenges that arise together, and how to rekindle the flames of passion between you two. Each partner must take ownership of those areas they can improve on while providing encouragement and support where necessary so both partners can strive to be the best version of themselves. Embracing this mentality can help how to fix a sexless marriage so it does not end in divorce.

Is sex once a month considered a lack of sexual intimacy?

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Most professionals say a sexless marriage has less sex per week or 10 times a year.

While once in a month is not regarded as sexless marriage according to this measure a greater indicator is how sex is affecting you.

How to fix sexless marriage so it does not end in divorce?

If the number of sexless marriages ending at separation was in line with the American average, the number would be 50 per.

Most sexless relationships have ended in divorce. Occasionally sexless couples manage to convince themselves there's nothing to worry about and these unions are likely to last a lifetime.

Is a sexless marriage grounds for divorce?

Even though a sexless marriage is not considered as a basis to blame in divorce, constructive abandonment could provide strong evidence.

It is unknown how many couples end up divorced and how many of those end happily in their final stages. There are many more divorces and sexless marriages.

What is sexless intimacy?

It's no secret that sex is a big part of marriage. It's often one of the first things people think about when they think about marriage. So what happens when you find yourself in a sexless marriage? Is it possible to survive and even thrive in this type of situation?

We'll take a look at what the Bible has to say about living in a sexless marriage. We'll also explore some practical ways to manage this situation if you find yourself in it. Whether you're currently in a sexless marriage or you're considering marrying someone who is already in one, this post is for you!

Defining sexless intimacy in a marriage institution

Sexless marriage is a common phenomenon nowadays, where many couples struggle to define what real intimacy truly means in their relationship since there’s a lack of sexual activity. In the Christian church, it's something that couples might not feel comfortable discussing; however, how can something like this be fixed?

There are various options available such as resolving any underlying issues or focusing on how to increase closeness and emotional connection between the couple again.

Additionally, praying together and reading bible verses that specifically address sexless marriage may provide insight into how to go about fixing it; furthermore, how can people survive in a sexless marriage and come out even stronger in their relationship?

Though there may be some difficult times along the way, these marriages can become thriving relationships once again with understanding, respect, love, and communication.

The causes of sexless intimacy in marriages

Sexless marriages occur for a variety of reasons, but some of the more common causes can be attributed to certain physical and emotional factors. Intimacy can become a chore with one or both partners feeling overwhelmed by life's demands such as work or family issues.

In addition, changes in hormones due to age or weight gain may contribute to low libido and decreased physical connection.

On an emotional level, unresolved issues such as communication breakdowns, anger management problems, infidelity, past trauma, and trust issues are all critical components in the lack of intimate connections between spouses.

By attempting to resolve any underlying problems caused by sexless intimacy in marriage, couples can work towards reigniting a deeper connection.

The effects of sexless intimacy in marriages

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A sexless marriage can put immense strain on both partners and may even lead to a marital breakdown. The Bible speaks of how marriage should be built on intimacy, and it can be tough for couples to come back together if that sense of closeness has been lost.

Thankfully there are ways to deal with a lack of physical closeness. Couples should use prayer, open communication, and mental health support; this is the only way you will be able to reconnect through love and understanding.

It is possible to survive a sexless Christian marriage, but seeking help from professionals or close friends and family members may be necessary to stay strong through the difficult times ahead.

How to fix your sex life without focusing on physical only

Sexless intimacy in marriages can create a great deal of tension and frustration, but there is hope for the many couples who find themselves in this situation.

Fortunately, it is possible to restore physical connection and emotional closeness in marriage, regardless of religious background. Intimacy is more than just physical, so couples need to focus on communication and cultivating an environment of trust.

Prayer also has an important role to play when trying to mend a sexless relationship as it can bring better understanding between two people.

Fixing intimacy in a sexless marriage involves making time for each other through dates and activities, breaking any negative patterns with open and honest dialogue, changing long-held beliefs that may be stunting marital growth, working together to build up the relationship, carrying out self-care plans and prayerfully seeking God’s guidance as He is ultimately the one who knows best how to fix broken relationships.

Tips for surviving a sexless marriage

A sexless marriage can be a difficult and lonely experience. It is important to remember that a relationship without sex does not mean the end of intimacy for a couple, but rather an opportunity to evaluate the marriage and create meaningful connections.

There are many tips for surviving a sexless marriage such as trying to understand the underlying issue, engaging in mutual respect and communication, exploring alternatives to physical touch, developing relationship skills such as conflict resolution, seeking counseling when necessary, expanding date nights beyond dinner, intentionally carving out time to connect on an emotional level, and prayerfully asking God for guidance.

With self-reflection and dedication, couples can successfully navigate through this tough patch in their relationship and find methods of restoring harmony within their marriage.

There are many different causes of sexless marriages, but thankfully, there are just as many ways to fix them. If you and your spouse are dealing with this issue in your relationship, don't lose hope.

With a little effort, dedication, and communication, you can rekindle the spark and enjoy a fulfilling intimate life together again. For more tips on how to survive and thrive in a sexless marriage, check out our blog post on the subject.

Our Blog Posts are made with a biblical basis and are combined with personal experience. Our coaching has led people to marriage restoration testimonies!!!!
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Kingdom Blueprint: Taking People From Just Believing God To Breakthrough From God


Aaron or Mary Dade wants to be the first person to help you with a breakthrough today by spending time with God on a new level of faith in the Lord. As believers, we all have moments of doubt and uncertainty in our spiritual journey. Using affirmations you can achieve the breakthrough that you are looking for with God. Realizing that you are God's handiwork and choosing to live by faith instead of fear will bring you closer to your relationship with the Lord.

Definitely when we are discussing marriage or committed romantic relationships. We are here to talk about marriage and what should be expected in your prayer life, communication, and relationship with your spouse.

This includes understanding the Bible as the ultimate authority and seeking a personal relationship with God through prayer and living out His teachings in everyday life. Let's continue on this journey together, learning and growing in our faith as we strive for a deeper understanding of God and His word. As Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Let's continue to walk in the light of His word and grow together as believers.

The last thing on your mind should be more ways to please man and for the first time you will see a blog dedicated to everything about God. We want you to feel like anything, certain new things, and everything leads you closer to Him. We help explain the bible, how to pray, live a life of faith, and what to look for from your prayer life with the Lord. Search this blog with the navigation of similar posts to see all the topics we discuss.

Exploring the concept of spiritual warfare in the real world and engaging in in-depth discussions about it on this blog. Our blog is a place where we share our personal experiences, struggles, and breakthroughs in our relationship with God. We believe that these stories can help inspire and encourage others who are also on their journey of faith. In this post, we want to delve into the topic of spiritual warfare and how it manifests itself in our daily lives.

Spiritual warfare is a term used to describe the battle between good and evil, where supernatural forces are at play. It may sound like something out of a fantasy novel, but for many people, spiritual warfare is a very real and ongoing struggle.

The concept of spiritual warfare might seem unfamiliar or daunting to some. However, Christians must grasp its significance and impact. Ephesians 6:12 guides us with a powerful message, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."

This scripture eloquently highlights that as believers, we find ourselves in an unseen spiritual conflict. It's a battle that transcends the physical realm, affecting every individual universally.


In addition to sharing our own experiences, we also provide helpful tips and advice on how to deepen your connection with God. From understanding the Bible to cultivating an effective prayer life, we cover a wide range of topics that are essential to growing in your faith.

But our blog is not just about personal growth. We also believe in the power of community and coming together to serve others. That's why we share information about various causes and organizations that align with our beliefs and mission as Christians.


Now, Mary teaches concepts about spiritual breakthroughs from the knowledge she gained in a women's bible study. Mary believes that spiritual breakthroughs are an essential part of one's faith journey. She defines it as a significant shift in one's perspective, understanding, and relationship with God. These breakthroughs can come in various forms, such as realizing a new truth from scripture, experiencing deep emotional healing, or powerfully encountering God. Spiritual breakthroughs are unique to each individual and can happen at any point in their faith journey.


Mary also emphasizes the importance of community in experiencing spiritual breakthroughs. She believes that God created us for relationships, and we need others to help us grow in our faith.

They talk about the need for guidance to keep praying for your marriage. Especially, if you are struggling with demonic attacks, need specific wisdom from the Holy Spirit, or contemplating something much more divisive you need to pray for your marriage.

If you are looking for a breakthrough from God and the direction of the Holy Spirit, then, this is the blog for you. Kingdom Blueprint helps people achieve spiritual breakthroughs in many areas of their lives. The purpose of a spiritual breakthrough in Jesus Christ is to know that you are not alone with your faith or prayer walk. There is a difference between believing God and Christ Jesus are there to help you and only God can lead you through your current situation, and seeing God's word and God's promises work in your life.


God hears everything in your whole life from your heavenly prayer language to your current situation positive or negative. He is a good father who wants you to see a breakthrough manifest as you pray like many believers in Jesus' name. God gave Kingdom Blueprint authority through personal experiences on how to walk this difficult journey so, we can help others the same way we were helped. Learning with Kingdom Blueprint means you will learn how to get a breakthrough from God all the time. We discuss declarations and decrees to speak your world into existence. It is not a prosperity gospel it is about speaking life and not death in your life.

Whether you are praying in the spirit for a blessing, hope, wisdom, or just His glory we present this blog to help you. We are always praying for protection for all things in God. Go Your prayers for your relationship are also heard when you pray in faith for your friend, family, and even strangers!

About The Authors:

Aaron and Mary Dade are the proud owners of Kingdom Blueprint, bringing years of experience and expertise to the table.  They help others as Christian life coaches or in specified cases they can be the relationship coach as well. Mary specializes in emotional trauma, child development, and Court of Heaven teachings, while Aaron is a master at communication, strategy, and implementation of God's Word. The duo has helped countless people restore their marriages after divorce or separation, teaching them to better understand identity in Christ, parenting techniques, and self-sabotage prevention methods - all within the context of marriage restoration. They work on helping other family relationships from the ground up. With their passionate commitment to helping people find peace and joy in relationships with one another and with God, the Dade's look forward to continuing their ministry for many years to come.


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