Embrace The Foundation Of Christian Love: Uncovering the Four Types of Love In The Bible - Knowledge Of Agape, Eros Love, Storge Love, And Phileo Love | Kingdom Blueprint
Aug 12, 2023
The Bible talks about four types of love: Agape, Eros love, Storge, and Phileo. Each of these types of love has a different definition, and each has its own special characteristics.These are the 4 greek words for love that can be related to the bible.
Agape love is the unconditional love of God for all mankind, Eros love is the romantic or sexual love between two people, Storge is the familial love between family members, and Phileo is the deep affection and friendship shared between friends.
These four types of love are often referred to as the "Four Greek Words for Love" and are derived from the Greek language. The word Agape is derived from the Greek word "agapao," which means to love unconditionally. The word Eros comes from the Greek word "erotas," which means romantic or sexual love. In this post, we define love in the bible thoroughly.
The word Storge is derived from the Greek word "storgē," which means familial love. The word Phileo is derived from the Greek word "phileo," which means deep affection and friendship. The Bible talks about how we should want to mimic the love that God has for us.
The Four Types of Love In The Bible | Kingdom Blueprint
Discover More About Agape Love
God's love is a perfect example of Agape love. Jesus Christ, God's only son, gave his life for us as a wonderful gift of unconditional love. This type of love is what God intended for us to share with one another. We can also see examples of Eros love in the Bible, such as King David's love for Bathsheba.
This type of love is often associated with sexual desire. Storge love is seen in the relationships between family members in the Bible, such as the love between Jesus and his mother, Mary. If you are asking yourself this question: What is the definition of love in the bible? That means you have struggled in this area of love.
Lastly, Phileo love is seen in the relationships between Jesus and his disciples or between young believers in the New Testament. The four types of love in the Bible are an important part of understanding God's word and his family.
By understanding the different types of love, we can better understand God's love and how we should love one another. Through these four types of love, we can experience the wonderful gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
The Bible and Its Types of Love
Learn More About The Love Of God
When it comes to love, the Bible is full of examples of how to love one another. The Bible talks about four types of love: Agape, Eros Love, Storge, and Phileo. Each of these types of love in the Bible has a unique meaning, and each one is important for us to understand and practice.
Agape is the highest form of love in the Bible, and it is unconditional love that is focused on the spiritual growth of the recipient. Agape love is a passionate love that just does not prioritize erotic love. We focus on the wonder young women adore the emotional and spiritual bonding from the romantic aspects before they express sexual love..
This type of love is often associated with God's love for us, and it is also a kind of sacrificial love that is willing to give up anything for the sake of another. Eros love is a type of romantic or sexual love that is often associated with the mythological Greek god Eros.
This type of love is focused on physical attraction and sexual desire. Storge is a type of familial love that is focused on the love between family members. What is love bible definition for those who are unaware?
This type of love is often seen in the relationship between King David and his only son, Jesus Christ. Finally, Phileo is a type of brotherly love that is focused on deep affection and loyalty between friends. This type of love is seen in the way Jesus Christ loved his disciples and other young believers. These four types of love in the Bible are all important for us to understand and practice.
Our heavenly father gives us the basis for Christian love and the Christian sense of how we should treat other human beings. The is a distinct difference between spiritual love and human love. Non-Christians will attempt to define love by trying to love the opposite way God tells us to love people.
God intended for us to show the same love to one another that He shows us. By understanding the different types of love in the Bible, we can learn how to love one another as God loves us. This is a wonderful gift that God has given us, and it is an important part of leading an eternal life in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Greek Words for A Type of Love in the Bible
Discover More About Agape Love
The Bible talks about four types of love in the Bible and how we should want to mimic those types of love. Humans have a transactional type of love that is completely different from God, and His love for us is unconditional.
The four Greek words for love in the Bible types of love are Agape, Eros love, Storge, and Philia. Agape love is God's unconditional love for us and is the highest form of love. It is sacrificial and selfless and is the type of love that Jesus showed us when He died on the cross for our sins.
There are 4 types of biblical love mentioned in the word of God and the transcendent agape love meaning is the "unconditional love" that God has shown us. Even ancient Greek language and ancient Greek culture had different words for different types of love. You have to know the 4 types of love in the word to understand Christian love.
Eros love is romantic or sexual love and is the word used to describe the love between a man and a woman. Storge is familial love, and is the type of love that binds family members together. Philia is brotherly love and is the type of love that binds friends and young believers together.
These four types of love in the Bible are all gifts from God, and He desires for us to show each other the same love. As King David said in Psalm 103:8, "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love." God's love for us is a wonderful gift, and it is up to us to show that same love to others.
Agape Love: Unconditional Love
Learn More About The Love Of God
The Bible talks about four types of love: Agape, Eros love, Storge, and Phileo. Agape love is the unconditional love that God has for us and is the type of love that we should strive to have for one another. Agape love is often referred to as sacrificial love, as God gave us His only son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for our sins. This type of love is not based on emotions or feelings, but rather on commitment and devotion.
It is a type of love that is not dependent on anything other than the commitment to love and serve one another. In the New Testament, the Greek word used for this type of love is “agape”, which has been translated into the English word “love”. Agape love is the highest and purest form of love that God intended for us to have for one another. It is a wonderful gift that we can share with our family members, friends, and even strangers.
It is a type of love that is not based on physical attraction, sexual desire, or deep affection, but rather on the desire to love and serve one another in the same way that God loves us. King David expressed this type of love for God when he said, “I will love You, O Lord, my strength” (Psalm 18:1). Young believers can learn from this example and strive to show agape love to others, just as God loves us.
Agape Type of Love in the Bible compared to the Worldly version of this love
Agape love is not transactional and is not based on a point basis. In other words, you can't score points and get more love or do something to get less love. The entire point of Agape love is to love unconditionally and make your relationships where they are not on a quid pro quo basis. This is one of the 4 greek words for love in the bible.
The world is focused on a quid pro quo basis type of love where you score points based on your work. We are God's family and we have openly rejected him several times including when the Israelites were saved from Egypt.
He promised them Freedom and delivered it and still humans wanted a king of human origin to guide them. God's love proved true here when he gave them a king who eventually turned against God and his perfect will for humans.
The word agape is used to describe the love that should be reciprocal between humans and God. It should show humans that they should have a wide open astonished love for God because he is God and not based on the blessings that he provides for us. Christian love is much deeper to understand than how everyone else tries to love.
Eros Love: Romantic or Sexual Love
Learn More About The Love Of God
Eros love, or romantic or sexual love, is one of the four types of love in the Bible. This type of love is often associated with the mythological Greek god, Eros, and the English word erotic.
Eros love is a deep affection that comes from sexual desire. It is a wonderful gift from God that He intended for us to enjoy as young believers. The Greek word for Eros love is eros, which is also found in the New Testament. This type of love is mentioned in the Bible in the story of King David and his only son.
Eros love refers to passionate love or erotic love. It is the wonder young women adore and in Greek mythology, Cupid is the Greek God of this type of love. This is the basis of emotional and spiritual bonding, the romantic aspects express sexual love, not the emotions initially.
The Godly desire for marital love is a self-sacrificing love and is not about sensual intimacy. Ancient Greece and everywhere else have young women and men full of sexual immorality in their own body but the goal has always been to have a marriage bed within a committed relationship.
God's Word teaches us that it is the same type of love that God has for us and that He desires us to have for Him and His family. Eros love is different from the other three types of love in the Bible, which are agape, storge, and phileo. Agape love is a sacrificial love, storge love is a familial love, and phileo love is a brotherly love.
Together, these four words form the Greek language for love in the Bible. God loves us unconditionally and desires us to have the same love for Him and for His family. We can learn more about the four types of love in the Bible by reading God's Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us. By understanding these types of love, we can better understand how God intended us to love one another.
Sensual or romantic love in the world compared to God's Word
God created central or romantic love for the marriage bed to amplify the connection between the two vessels he brought together in marriage. Romantic love is not meant to be shared with everyone or anyone who we only view as necessary.
We can have all the words in the Song of Solomon and the entire book of Psalms while knowing that God is love and still be tempted by the world in its version of romantic love. What is the definition of love in the bible? It is outlined here in the Song of Solomon scriptures.
The world's version is a song full of lust and explains that sharing romantic love is normal and should be appreciated. The world does not believe in true love and looks at a wife or a husband as an object of your pleasures, happiness, and especially a wife should be used for these purposes. More times than not you find a wife is not valued from a sensual or romantic level.
Affectionate love and spiritual bonding are not about the Greek God of love or being sexually immoral. It is about selfless love that while physically attracted, some Ancient Greeks believe perfume poured on a woman meant they could lose self-control.
There is a Greek term for the dark side of a new bride, it's called 'gamos'. The term is derived from the words 'ga' meaning marriage and 'mos' meaning fate or doom. In modern times the idea of having enough love to stay unmarried in this limited time where other things have no love shown is unheard of. Simply put, most people do not really know Eros love.
Storge Love: Familial Love
Learn More About The Love Of God
Storge love, or familial love, is the type of love found in close family relationships. It is the kind of love that develops naturally and is often associated with physical love and physical attraction. It is found in many examples throughout the Bible, from the Song of Solomon to the story of brother Lazarus. This type of love is often seen in the Old Testament, where it is referred to as the “natural affection” between family members.
This type of love is different from the other types of love in the Bible, such as Agape love, Philia love, and Phileo love. Agape love is the highest form of love, and is the kind of love that God has for us and that we should strive to have for others.
Philia love is the kind of love that develops between good friends and close friends, and Phileo love is the kind of love that is found in the New Testament. This is how you define love in the bible specifically.
All of these types of love are important, but Storge love is the type of love that God gave us to share with our families. It is a special kind of love that can help us to better understand God's Word and His love for us.
The Greek Word Storge Love for others compared to the world
In the Greeks language, Storge Love is described as a type of love between family members and close friends. This type of relationship is characterized by strong loyalty, comfort, compassion, protection, and affection. It is a natural bond that develops over time through positive experiences and mutual care. The best example of this kind of love can be seen in parent-child relationships.
This type of unconditional love is often contrasted with the competitive and unreciprocated type of love that exists in the world today. Many people are quick to judge and criticize others, expecting something in return for their actions.
Especially in family relationships, sibling rivalry is a good thing as long as it is not competition for acceptance over other people. If that love is to compete with other people in the environment. This creates an environment where it is difficult to find genuine relationships based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding.
The Greek word for love, “storge”, is a type of love that does not require romantic feelings or passionate emotions. It describes the type of love between family members and close friends. In its purest form, storge love is unconditional, selfless, and sacrificial. This type of love stands out in comparison to the world’s standard of love.
Phileo Love: Brotherly Love
The Bible talks about four types of love, which are Agape, Phileo, Eros, and Storge. Agape love is the highest form of love, as it is unconditional and sacrificial, and it is found in the New Testament. Phileo love, or brotherly love, is the type of love we should strive to have for our friends, family, and even strangers.
This kind of love is a natural affection and develops naturally from good friends and close relationships. It is found in the Old Testament, with many examples of brotherly affection, such as between David and Jonathan, and Jesus and his brother Lazarus.
Phileo love (pronounced “fee-lay-oh”) is a type of biblical love that is particularly meaningful in relationships between brothers and sisters, as well as close friends. This term originates from the Greek word for brotherly love, meaning “love by choice” or “affectionate regard.” Phileo love demonstrates companionship, mutual respect, and friendship between two individuals.
When we look into the Bible for examples of this type of love, we see that Jesus had a particularly close relationship with his disciple John. In the Gospel of John chapter 21 verses 15-17 it states: “When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
A second time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” A third time he said to him, “Simon son of John do you love me?”
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?”
He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.”
We can see from this passage that Jesus deeply cared for his disciples and was interested in their commitment and level of affection towards him. While Jesus’ love for his disciples was unconditional and never wavered, he still wanted them to understand their need for Him and His love.
This type of brotherly love is something that we can strive to have with those around us. As Christians, it’s our duty to show kindness and compassion towards others, even if they don’t necessarily feel the same way about us.
We must strive to love others, both friends and strangers alike, with a willingness to invest in them and care for them deeply. Phileo love is an important part of Christian living and should be practiced in our daily lives.
The Greek word for this kind of love is “Phileo” and it is found in the Bible in many of God’s words. God gave us the greatest commandment to “Love God and love your neighbor” and this is the kind of love we should strive for. It is a love without any physical love or sexual immorality, and it is a pure and familiar love. We all fall short of this love, but God is love and He is the one who can help us to love others in this way.
Different Kinds of Love in The Bible
The Bible speaks of many different kinds of love, from that between a husband and wife to the agape love of God for His children. Here are some of the more common types found in scripture:
- Agape Love is unconditional and sacrificial. It's a type of pure love that is found in God's selfless actions towards humans, such as Jesus' death on the cross. This kind of love does not depend on anything or anyone else and can never be earned.
- Eros Love is romantic passion between two people - usually a husband and wife - that needs to be nurtured and cared for throughout their life together. It's usually expressed in physical love, but it can also be seen in the intimate moments shared between two people.
- Philia Love is a close friendship of mutual affection and loyalty. It's often found amongst siblings, closest friends or even co-workers who have formed a strong bond between them. This kind of love can easily turn into agape love if given enough time and effort.
- Storge Love is familial love between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren. This type of love typically develops slowly over time as a family grows closer together through shared experiences.
- Pragma Love is not based on emotions but rather on logic or practicality. It's more common amongst older couples who have been married a long time and have come to understand each other's needs. This kind of love is often seen in arranged marriages or those who are working through difficult times but still remain loyal to one another.
The Bible speaks on all these types of love, showing us how they can be used to form strong relationships between spouses, family members, friends and even God.
Each type of love brings something different to the table, reminding us that true love is often found in the most unexpected places. Whether it’s unconditional or logical, passionate or familiar, the Bible encourages us to seek out all kinds of love and cherish it in our lives.
One example of this kind of guidance is found in 1 Corinthians 13:13, which says “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” This verse emphasizes the importance of having all kinds of love in our lives - from agape to eros - as they are essential for living a fulfilled life.
The different kinds of love in the bible show us the need for love in our lives and why God is the center of it all. Godly desire is for everyone to have a sense of marital love. Sensual intimacy is not the self-sacrificing love that you want for your own body. Sexual immorality or sexually immoral behavior is the love of the Greek God of love where you are physically attracted and this is not the basis of selfless love.
He is the source of all love and joy, and through Him our relationships can be strengthened and our hearts can be filled. No matter what kind of love you are looking for, know that God has already given it to you in abundance - if you just open your heart to receive it!
Conclusion: Applying the Four Types of Love In The Bible
The Bible talks about four types of love in the Bible - Agape, Eros love, Storge, and Phileo - and how we should want to mimic those types of love. These four Greek words are used throughout the New Testament to describe the different kinds of love God intended for us to experience.
Agape love is unconditional and sacrificial and is the type of love God has for us. Eros love is romantic or sexual love and is the type of love we have for our spouse. Storge love is familial love and is the type of love we have for our family members. Lastly, Phileo love is brotherly love and is the type of love we have for our friends.
Understanding the four types of love in the Bible can help us to better appreciate God's love for us and His wonderful gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. As young believers, it is important to remember that God's love for us is different from the transactional type of love we experience in the world. Through His Word, God calls us to love Him and our neighbor with the same love He has for us. By following King David's example of deep affection for God, we can learn to love God with all our heart, soul, and strength. We can also learn to love our neighbor as ourselves and to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us in our relationships with others.
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